Panchshil Realty to bring ‘Small Office Home Office’ concept to Pune

Panchshil Realty announced that it has launched SOHO branded ‘Small Office Home Office’ development in Pune’s eastern IT corridor near World Trade Center and EON Pune Free Zone. It was stated that the ‘Small Office Home Office’ is a popular global concept in which living spaces are presented and workspaces with retail, food and beverage options are integrated within the same development, and multi-use areas come to the fore.
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Speaking about the introduction of the SOHO concept in Pune, Panchshil Realty Manager Sagar Chordia said, “SOHO is a pioneering initiative that provides flexible, multifunctional and mixed-use spaces that allow you to do more within the same space by reinventing the use of spaces. “The response to the promotion was great, and many professionals such as doctors, specialist accountants, architects, small business owners and other entrepreneurs easily embraced the concept.”
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