CBD Oil Recipes You Can Prepare For Relaxing

The popularity of CBD oil as an edible ingredient in the last decade has been exciting to witness. Moreover, the fact that people are no longer stereotyping CBD use as marijuana abuse. For starters, CBD has nothing to do with getting high. We are here to tell you how to infuse CBD into your regular diet.
Scroll down and find out a few recipes I have compiled that use CBD oil as a major ingredient and will also help you to relax!
Recipes For Relaxation: The Role Played By CBD Oil
CBD oil is a popular ingredient and has several uses. Although you can use these oil-based products for applying to your body, you can use the same as an ingredient in your kitchen. So without wasting any more time, let’s check out a few such recipes that will help you relax!
Lemon Honey Tea With CBD Oil
Yes, it does sound like a simple recipe, and to be honest, it is perhaps the easiest recipe I have prepared or even written about, for that matter! Anyone who loves tea will know how much it helps when you are stressed out. On top of that, when you add ingredients like lemon, honey, and cbd oil, things can only get better for you!
Here’s what you’ll require for preparing a cup of honey lemon tea with CBD oil.
- Teabag (1).
- Water (4 glasses).
- CBD oil (20 mg – high potency).
- Honey (5 tablespoons).
- Lemon (2 tablespoons).
Follow the steps mentioned below and make a cup of honey lemon tea with CBD oil at home!
- First, boil 4 glasses of water.
- Once you have boiled the water, pour it into a large container and submerge the teabag – keep the tea bag submerged until a cup of perfect tea is prepared.
- Now simply add the lemon, honey, and CBD oil.
- Stir till everything is blended, and serve hot!
Julep Mint Cocktail With CBD Oil
Weed edibles have been popular for several decades now, but that’s not the only relaxation recipe out there – you can always whip up a glass of cocktail as well. How about a glass of Julep Mint Cocktail infused with CBD oil? Sounds pretty amazing to me. Why don’t you make it at home and try it out for yourself?
Here’s what you’ll require for preparing a glass of Julep Mint Cocktail with CBD oil.
- Simple Syrup (½ ounce).
- Mint Leaves (8).
- Bourbon (4 jots).
- CBD oil (20 mg).
Follow the steps mentioned below and make a glass of Julep Mint Cocktail with CBD oil at home.
- Put all the mint leaves inside a glass of any size.
- Crush all the leaves with the help of a muddler.
- Slowly pour all the Bourbon and then add the simple syrup, followed by the CBD.
- Add ice and then mix well.
- Serve your cocktail cold.
Whipped Cream Homemade With CBD Oil
I love whipped cream, and I am sure you love it too – I mean, who doesn’t love whipped cream? What if I told you, you could not just make whipped cream at home, but you can do it with CBD oil?
Scroll down and find out how to prepare a delicious batch of whipped cream with CBD oil.
Here’s what you’ll require for preparing a batch of homemade whipped cream with CBD oil.
- Whipped Cream (4 cups).
- Icing Sugar (¼ cups).
- Vanilla Extract (3 tablespoons).
- CBD oil (33 mg).
Follow the steps mentioned below and make a batch of whipped cream with CBD oil at home.
- First, put a normal bowl inside your refrigerator and then let the same cool for about 25 minutes.
- Once it’s sufficiently cool, put all the ingredients inside the bowl and mix it well.
- For getting the best results, it’s best that you use a mixer – don’t stop mixing until the mixture has turned smooth.
- Now serve away with your preferred dessert.
CBD Salad Dressing:
There’s nothing better or tastier than a CBD salad dressing. If you love eating salads and shopping for salad dressing is one of your favorite things to do, why not prepare a dressing with CBD oil?
I am here to tell you how!
Here’s what you’ll require for preparing salad dressing with CBD oil.
- Dijon Mustard (4 tablespoons).
- Olive Oil (½ cup).
- Honey (3 tablespoons).
- Orange juice (3/4 cup).
- CBD oil (25 mg).
- Vinegar (3/4 cup).
- Salt.
You just have to mix all the ingredients together before adding it to the salad – a quick and simple recipe perfect for relaxing you!
And It’s A Wrap!
Although recreational use of marijuana is all about getting high, CBD has a lot to do with the healthier aspects. And who said you have to smoke it? CBD products can be consumed and applied topically, which makes them a convenient alternative for leading a wellness-oriented life.
Don’t forget to let us know your experience and thoughts on the same in the comments below.